
Imagine you’ve packed your bags, booked your tickets, and are ready to embark on your journey to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). There’s just one last thing to check: your Visit Visa status. Why is this essential? Well, let’s just say, without an approved Visit Visa, you might as well unpack your bags. This blog post is your definitive guide for checking the status of your UAE Visit Visa, ensuring you’re all set for your journey.

Why Should You Check Your UAE Visit Visa Status?

Checking your Visit Visa status isn’t just a formality; it’s a necessity for anyone planning to travel to the UAE. Failing to verify the status of your Visa could lead to legal troubles, financial penalties, and a whole lot of stress. Whether you’re a tourist or on a business visit, this information is essential for peace of mind and a successful stay in the Emirates.

Importance of Staying Legally Compliant

Being caught in the UAE without a valid Visa isn’t a situation anyone wants to experience. To remain legally compliant and avoid hefty fines or even deportation, it’s crucial to confirm your Visa status before setting foot on UAE soil.

Financial Penalties for Overstays

The longer you overstay your Visa, the heavier the penalties you’ll incur. These financial burdens can become significant obstacles, especially if you’re in the country for business or leisure.

Peace of Mind for Travelers

Knowing your Visa status in advance can save you from a lot of stress and last-minute chaos. It provides assurance that you are welcome in the UAE and can move freely during your stay.

Entities Involved in UAE Visit Visa Processing

When you apply for a Visit Visa in the UAE, several entities are involved in the process. Understanding their roles can help you navigate the Visa checking process more effectively.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Immigration

This is the governmental authority responsible for issuing Visas. They update the Visa status and handle all documentation related to Visa applications.

Official Government Website

All Visa status information is primarily available on the official UAE government portal. The website is secure and regularly updated, making it the most reliable source for checking your Visit Visa status.

Passport Number and Application ID

Your Passport Number and Application ID are critical identifiers used in tracking your Visa application. Keep these details handy at all times.

How to Check Your UAE Visit Visa Status Online?

Ensuring that your Visit Visa to the UAE is approved and valid before you travel is of paramount importance. With technology at your fingertips, this process has become easier than ever. You no longer need to wait in long queues or jump through bureaucratic hoops. Instead, you can check your Visa status from the comfort of your home or office. Here is an in-depth step-by-step guide on how to check your UAE Visit Visa status online.

Step 1: Navigate to the Official UAE Government Website for Visa Checking

Begin by opening your preferred web browser and typing in the official website for UAE Visa status checking. It’s crucial to ensure that you are on the legitimate government website to protect your personal information from fraud. The website URL is typically: or similar. Always check for the secure “https” prefix and an icon of a padlock next to the website’s name in the address bar.

Step 2: Locate the Visa Services Section

Once on the homepage, look for the Visa services section. This might be under tabs like “Services,” “Visa Status,” or “Public Services.” Once located, click on it to proceed.

Step 3: Choose the Appropriate Option for Visit Visa

In the Visa services section, you will see multiple options related to different types of Visas and services. Choose the option most relevant to a Visit Visa. The terminology may vary, but you are typically looking for phrases like “Query Existing Visa,” “Visa Status Inquiry,” or “Track Visa.”

Step 4: Enter Your Personal Information

You’ll need to input some essential details to track your Visa status. The most important are your Passport Number and Application ID. Be sure to enter them accurately. There may also be additional security measures such as a captcha to verify that you are not a robot.

Step 5: Click on the ‘Search’ or ‘Submit’ Button

After entering all the required details, click on the ‘Search’ or ‘Submit’ button to proceed. The system will then process your information.

Step 6: Review Your Visit Visa Status

Once the processing is complete, your Visit Visa status will appear on the screen. The status could indicate:

  • Under Process: Your Visa application is still under review.
  • Approved: Your Visa has been approved, and you are good to go.
  • Rejected: Your Visa application has not been approved, and you may need to contact UAE Immigration for further details.

Step 7: Take Appropriate Actions Based on the Status

Based on what your status shows, take the necessary actions:

  • If it’s “Under Process,” you may need to wait a few more days and check again.
  • If “Approved,” you should receive your Visa via email shortly.
  • If “Rejected,” it’s crucial to get in touch with UAE Immigration to understand why and what steps can be taken next.

By following these exact steps, you can confidently know your UAE Visit Visa status, empowering you to proceed with your travel plans accordingly. Remember, it’s always better to be well-informed than caught off guard, especially when it comes to legal travel requirements.

Alternative Ways to Track Your UAE Visit Visa Status

While checking your UAE Visit Visa status online is the most convenient option for most, it’s important to note that alternative methods are available. These can be especially useful if you’re facing technical issues or prefer a more traditional approach to tracking your Visa status.

Visit a Local Immigration Office in Person

For those who prefer a face-to-face interaction or if you’re already in the UAE, visiting an immigration office can provide you with immediate, real-time information. You will need to bring:

  • Original Passport
  • Application ID or File Number
  • Additional identification, such as Emirates ID if applicable

Addresses for immigration offices can usually be found on the official UAE government website or through a quick Google search.

Call the Immigration Hotline

Most countries offer a hotline for immigration and Visa-related questions. For the UAE, this is usually a 24/7 service. You will need your Passport Number and Application ID when you call.

UAE Immigration Hotline: 800 5111 (for inside UAE) or +9714 313 9999 (for outside UAE)

Use a Travel Agent

If you applied for your Visit Visa through a travel agent, they would typically provide tracking services as part of their package. Contact the agent directly for updates.

Check Through Airlines

Some airlines offer Visa tracking services if you applied for your Visa through them. Contact the airline’s customer service and provide them with the required identification and application details for tracking.

Consular Services

Your country’s embassy or consulate in the UAE can sometimes assist in tracking your Visa status, although this is less common for Visit Visas. This is generally more useful for other types of Visas like Employment or Residence Visas.

By knowing these alternative ways to track your UAE Visit Visa status, you’re armed with the necessary knowledge to ensure a smooth and worry-free process, regardless of your preferred method.

Document Requirements and Eligibility

To apply and check for a Visit Visa, you’ll need to fulfill specific document requirements and eligibility criteria:

Essential Documents

  • Passport with at least six months validity
  • Passport-sized photographs
  • Proof of accommodation in the UAE
  • Travel itinerary

Criteria for Eligibility

  • Sponsorship from a UAE resident, tourist company, or hotel
  • Adequate financial means for the stay
  • Return flight tickets

What Happens After Your Visa is Approved?

Once your Visit Visa is approved, you will receive an electronic version of your Visa via email. After landing in the UAE, proceed to Immigration where your entry permit will be stamped in your passport, formalizing your legal entry into the country.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does it cost to check your Visit Visa status?

Checking your Visa status online is generally free on the official UAE government website.

How long does Visa processing usually take?

It can take up to 5-10 working days for the Visa to be processed.

Can you extend a Visit Visa while in the UAE?

Yes, you can extend your Visit Visa, but it’s subject to approval and may incur additional fees.

Is it possible to track the Visa status for someone else?

Yes, as long as you have their Passport Number and Application ID.

What to do if your Visa status shows ‘Rejected’?

Contact UAE Immigration or your sponsor for clarification and next steps.

Is Visit Visa Open in UAE?

Yes, the UAE has reopened its borders for tourists, including those applying for Visit Visas. However, entry requirements and restrictions may vary depending on the global health situation and your country of origin. It’s advised to check the latest updates from the UAE government and relevant authorities.

Can I Go to Dubai with a UK Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)?

A UK Biometric Residence Permit alone is not sufficient for entry into Dubai or any other part of the UAE. You will still need to apply for a UAE Visit Visa unless you come from one of the visa-exempt countries. Always check the most up-to-date information before planning your travel.

Can I Travel to UAE with a UK Residence Permit?

A UK Residence Permit does not grant automatic entry into the UAE. Travelers holding a UK Residence Permit still need to apply for a UAE Visit Visa, unless they are from one of the visa-exempt countries or qualify for visa-on-arrival.

What Is the New Rule for UAE Visit Visa Today?

The rules for UAE Visit Visas are subject to change, especially considering the fluid situation with global travel restrictions. As of my last update in January 2022, some of the newer rules include requirements for health insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment and negative PCR test results. Always consult the UAE government’s official website or contact your local UAE embassy for the most current information.

These FAQs aim to address common queries and concerns about the UAE Visit Visa process. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s always best to consult official sources or speak directly with immigration experts.


Checking your UAE Visit Visa status is more than just a procedural step; it’s a crucial part of ensuring a smooth and legal visit to the country. By following this guide, you’ll avoid any last-minute hitches, giving you peace of mind as you prepare for your journey. If you found this information helpful, don’t forget to bookmark this page and share it with others planning to visit the UAE.

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Hi! I'm Hammad Sheikh, Founder & CEO of I'm passionate about entrepreneurship and simplifying the Emirates ID process. With years of experience in this field, I work closely with a team of specialists to ensure that our content is up-to-date and relevant. My innovative approach has earned me a reputation as a trusted advisor and mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs across the UAE.

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